Wednesday 15 June 2011

The Bootcamp Saga

Hi everyone, I have a few comments regarding the bootcamp at the beginning of the year. Firstly I have to say I enjoyed the fact that it was more organised and it didn't have us moving around from classroom to classroom like last year. I also enjoyed that the groups were smaller and were done on a class to class basis. On the negative side I feel it's a bit unfair that we loose a whole week of the year on bootcamp rather than using that time to concentrate on the first project, also I don't see why only graphics and multimedia students must do this and Interior design students don't. Even if they go through a different design process I'm sure the five room method applies to them too. I realise that the five room process is important and necessary but I find I don't have enough time to follow this method properly, esspecially with the two week projects.

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