Wednesday 15 June 2011

The Bootcamp Saga

Hi everyone, I have a few comments regarding the bootcamp at the beginning of the year. Firstly I have to say I enjoyed the fact that it was more organised and it didn't have us moving around from classroom to classroom like last year. I also enjoyed that the groups were smaller and were done on a class to class basis. On the negative side I feel it's a bit unfair that we loose a whole week of the year on bootcamp rather than using that time to concentrate on the first project, also I don't see why only graphics and multimedia students must do this and Interior design students don't. Even if they go through a different design process I'm sure the five room method applies to them too. I realise that the five room process is important and necessary but I find I don't have enough time to follow this method properly, esspecially with the two week projects.

A-Z (Typography project)

Hi fellow designers and bloggers! This is my final typeface entitled "Tripolar". I went for a gothic feel for my typeface and used the sharp edges of triangles to suggest a scary and dangerous aesthetic. Please comment and suggest how I may improve the design. 

 Final typeface

 Final typeface in a paragraph

Copy Cat (Editorial Spreads)

Hey guys! These are my final designs for the editorial project. They are not 100% complete and still need some work. If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve any of these designs please let me know. I would like to do a better job with them so I can Improve my marks.

 My DPS part 1
 My DPS part 2
 My DPS part 3
  My DPS part 4
 Azeeza DPS part 1
Azeeza DPS part 2
 Azeeza DPS part 3
  Kimberley DPS part 1
 Kimberley DPS part 2
Kimberley DPS part 3
Kimberley DPS part 4

Photo Farm (Photography)

Hi there guys! Below you will find the three final photos which I mounted on canvas. There were many great ones to choose from so it wasn't easy to pick only three! This project really taught me to enjoy photography and to explore more of my environment. Hope you guys like them and please feel free to comment and give constructive critism.

 Food Photograph

 Smoke Photograph 
Water Photograph

Packaging (i-Design-er)

Hey guys! It's been a while since I've posted anything on here but things have been hectic lately. Anyway here are some pics of my final packaging design which used the Apple brand as a stylistic reference.

 Front cover
 Back cover
 Package half open
 Package completely open